Friday, June 29, 2018

Graffiti in wall

Fish can be anywhere.

Let your imagination flow in the air.

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Customised T-Shirts.

We can give some colour and life to your t-shirt.

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Custom Surfboards / Inked by pen

Surfboards covered by pen.

If you want something different for your product, keep in touch.

Order Yours !

Custom soldering helmet

Painting in many surfaces.

Give a new face to your product.

Helmet inked by pen.

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Custom White Labour Helmet

Design in many surfaces.

Customise your product.

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Graffiti in Wall

                                                                                        Wall  - 6,0 m high

Who said a boat can´t sail outside the water.

Painting for a very special client!

Order Yours!

Graffiti in canvas

                                                                            Graffiti in canvas - 0,90 x 1,20 cm

Graffiti can be done in any surface.

Here it is some ideas that happen after some cans of ink come to my hands.

As I like animals I always have tendency to do something in this area but you can order anything.

Order yours!

Tuesday, June 26, 2018


Suddenly a new idea coming to my head and I want to do something with that. Nothing better

than paper and pencil in my case.

My head is a tourbillon with so many ideas and unfortunately or not I realized after years that

to do something with them, I would have to draw.

That´s the way I started to draw and paint everything is possible. From the wall of my house  to

my motorcycle helmet, passing through some logos for brands and sketches for my wife´s

mosaics, drawing always makes me alive.

Well, I still don’t know where can I go with that but my goal it will be always try to keep this flame 


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                                                                                         Sketch for T-Shirt

Friday, June 22, 2018

Designed T-Shirts

Designed t-shirts from my pen specially to you.
Order yours! 
I can say that when I paint my t-shirts I tried to give it a kind of personality to each of them. In some way, it´s a kind of state of spirit, sometimes cheerful, sometimes shy.
Everything start in my sketchbook, with ideas that blow in my mind.
I hope you can feel it.

Mosaic Canvas 45 x 60 cm For sale